A cyclonic summer
March 01, 2023 | Stories

By Niki Partsch

Our resilience as a nation has been tested by recent climatic events, Cyclone Gabrielle is the latest but is unlikely to be the last.

We have become accustomed to hearing about and responding to Regional States of Emergency like Cyclone Hale which, in January, caused severe flooding and damage along the east coast and inland from Northland to the Wairarapa.

The flooded Kerikeri River viewed from the Stone Store
Sandbags outside Kemp House

Farmers and affected families were at their wits end then, but just a few weeks later it happened again, and on a much larger scale. 

Only three times in the history of Aotearoa New Zealand has a National State of Emergency been called. Each time there was an extreme threat of danger to people, coupled with the potential to overwhelm emergency services and the need to allow nationwide resources to be made available to assist.

All three have occurred during this century:

  • 2011 after the Canterbury Earthquake
  • 2020 in response to the spread Covid-19
  • 2023 in response to Cyclone Gabrielle.

Cyclone Gabrielle lingered long and was then followed by the thunderous rains in the East which prolonged the effects of earlier flooding.

As the waters recede and immediate risks and recoveries are addressed, we are all left with a deluge of questions about what happens next.

Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga can report that our staff are safe, and none of our properties or offices have had any significant damage. Our teams and experts are therefore well placed to continue supporting on heritage issues such as damage to heritage listed buildings, wāhi tapu, urupā, archaeological sites, marae, and taonga nationwide, and are working closely with authorities and communities impacted.

Following the recent severe weather, if you have any heritage concerns or need advice or support, we are here to help. Contact your nearest Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga office, or the Māori Heritage team at

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